Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chore Buster

Thanks to a fellow blogger (Mrs. Potts' Thoughts), I stumbled upon this website

Chore Buster

With this website, you can divide up your chores by frequency, people, difficulty- even by what each chore is worth for a child's allowance.  How fun!!  My fiancĂ© and I live in a tiny little apartment and, although we have barely any space, we still find a way to shirk our chore responsibilities.  This was a great way to get my fiancĂ© to agree to do chores on a schedule- which I hope will be successful!! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you love the website too! Both my husband and I are naturally messy people so if we let things go too long, it looks like a tornado hit the place. So this helps us stay on top of things. :)
